
  1. Pet Sitting Company agrees to provide pet sitting, dog walking and other applicable pet care services in a reliable, caring and trustworthy manner. In consideration of the services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives and releases Pet Sitting Company from any and all claims against the company, its owners, employees and representatives, except those arising from negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Pet Sitting Company. 
  2. Client agrees to notify Pet Sitting Company of any concerns within 24 hours of completion of services. 
  3. Client agrees to pay all charges accrued for services rendered. Client understands that payment is due at or prior to the time of the commencement of services unless explicably agreed upon supplementary payment terms. 
  4. Client will incur a $25 charge for each returned check in addition to any and all bank fees attributed to the returned check. 
  5. Pet Sitting Company shall exercise all precautions against sickness, injury, escape, loss, accidents or death of Client’s pet(s). Pet Sitting Company is not responsible for sickness, injury, escape, loss accidents or death of Client’s pet(s) unless caused through negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Pet Sitting Company. 
  6. Client represents and warrants that pet(s) are currently vaccinated in accordance with all local, state and federal laws and regulations. 
  7. Pet Sitting Company will follow the directions of the Veterinary Release Form in the case a pet should become injured or sick. 
  8. Client accepts responsibility for all medical expenses and other damages resulting from an injury to the Pet Sitter, other persons or other animal(s) caused by the Client’s pet(s) or negligent act. 
  9. Client agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Pet Sitting Company in the event of a claim by any person injured or otherwise damaged by Client’s pet(s) or negligent act. 
  10. Pet Sitting Company reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of 100% of the scheduled visits for services canceled with less than 24 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled service. 
  11. Pet Sitting Company reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time if the Pet Sitter, in his/her sole discretion, determines that the Client’s pet(s) poses a danger to the health or safety of itself, other pets, other people or the Pet Sitter. If concerns prohibit the Pet Sitter from caring for the pet, Pet Sitting Company will attempt to contact the Client to arrange alternative care. If the Client cannot be contacted, the Client authorizes Pet Sitting Company to place the pet in a licensed kennel with all charges and fees arising to be the responsibility of the Client. 
  12. Pet Sitting Company reserves the right to refuse service to any client, at any time, for any reason. 
  13. This document gives Pet Sitting Company and its representatives authorization to enter the Client’s listed address as needed to perform agreed upon services. 
  14. Client expressly gives Pet Sitting Company the authority to employ a locksmith on their behalf and to promptly reimburse Pet Sitting Company for all costs incurred in the event of a malfunction of the lock, keys or automatic door opener. 
  15. Pet Sitting Company is not liable for any loss or damage in the event of a burglary or other crime that should occur while under this contract. 
  16. Client agrees to properly secure the home prior to leaving the premises. Pet Sitting Company will re-secure the home to the best of its ability at the end of each visit. 
  17. In the case of an emergency, inclement weather or a natural disaster, the Client authorizes Pet Sitting Company to use reasonable judgment for the care and well being of Client’s pet(s) and residence. Pet Sitting Company will make reasonable efforts to maintain service during these conditions but reserves the right to adjust the schedule of service based on the sole discretion of the Pet Sitter. 
  18. Pet Sitting Company is not responsible for any damages beyond the control of the Pet Sitter. 
  19. Client is responsible for supplying the necessary equipment and supplies needed for the care of their pet(s) including, but not limited to, a sturdy, well-fit harness or collar and leash for walks or in case of emergencies, pet food, medications, identification tags, litter boxes, cat litter and cleaning supplies. Client authorizes any purchase of necessary for the satisfactory performance of duties. Costs of all purchases and related service fees will be reimbursed to Pet Sitting Company with 14 days. 
  20. Client authorizes the use of pet(s) pictures on website, social media and/or marketing materials for promotional purposes. 
  21. Client authorizes this contract to be valid approval for services so as to permit Pet Sitting Company to accept all future in person, telephone, online, mail or email reservations and provide services without additional signed contracts or written authorizations. 
  22. The Term of this document apply to all pets owned by the client, including any and all new pets that the customer obtains on or after the date this document was signed. I have read the above terms and conditions. I know, understand and agree to all terms stated above. By using this website, you are accepting this document as a contractual agreement.